Fulbright New Zealand calls for applications to the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching for New Zealand Teachers. These awards are for highly accomplished New Zealand teachers in primary and secondary schooling to participate in an intensive professional development programme in the US for four months.
Two New Zealand teachers and participants from 11 other countries will be hosted together at the School of Education by the University of Indiana, Bloomington which will provide a broad range of education classes and faculty support. They will take classes, design and complete an inquiry research project, visit local schools and engage in other teaching related activities. Academic support will be provided by a host institution advisor in the international grantee’s area of interest. Upon returning home, grantees will be expected to share the knowledge and experience gained on the programme with teachers and students in their home schools and within their communities.
These Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching are available to full time primary or secondary school teachers (in any subject) with at least five years of full-time teaching experience, or other school staff who work with students at least 50% of the time. Preference will be given to teachers serving in public schools in underserved communities.
Click here to read Su’s advice to future Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching applicants
A Fulbright exchange provides life-changing opportunities to gain international experience and advance your career, to explore America, to share your culture and to make friends and colleagues from around the world. Grantees undertake an exchange to one of America’s leading universities, which are world renowned for their expertise and resources.
Applications for 2016 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching for New Zealand Teachers, to take part in a professional development programme from August until December 2016, close at 5:00pm on Sunday 1 November 2015.
See www.fulbright.org.nz/awards/nzscholar/distinguishedteaching or contact Shauna Mendez at Fulbright New Zealand for further information – [email protected] / (04) 494 1500.