Fulbright New Zealand and the Cognition Institute invite applications for the 2012 Fulbright-Cognition Scholar Award in Education Research. This award, valued at US$32,500 plus travel expenses, is for a New Zealand educator or researcher to pursue research in the US designed to have an impact on New Zealand early childhood education or primary/secondary schooling and student achievement, for three to five months.
The Fulbright-Cognition Scholar Award in Education Research is available to applicants involved in one or more of the research, practice and policy contexts of early childhood education and primary/secondary schooling. The recipient will have an active interest in the broader education sector and use the award to:
a) establish key relationships with credible education researchers or research organisations in the US, and
b) collect, collate, analyse and use data available in the US for a research project.
The award is available to emerging or established researchers. We strongly encourage practitioners/teachers to apply. Independent application advisers are available to provide advice and guidance to applicants who are inexperienced at writing grant applications.
A Fulbright exchange provides life-changing opportunities to gain international experience and advance your career, to explore America, to share your culture and to make friends and colleagues from around the world. Grantees undertake an exchange to their choice of leading American universities, which are world renowned for their expertise and resources.
Previous recipients of the Fulbright-Cognition Scholar Award in Education Research have included Jenny Horsley from Victoria University of Wellington, who researched gifted education at Johns Hopkins University; Enosa Auva’a from Mount Albert Primary School, who researched ethnic minority leadership at the University of Hawai‘i; Ngaire Addis from Havelock North High School, who researched the use of achievement data to improve teaching and learning at Harvard University; and Veronica O’Toole from the University of Canterbury, who researched emotional literacy education at Yale University.
See www.fulbright.org.nz/awards/nzscholar/fulbright-cognition/ or contact Ron Mitchell at Fulbright New Zealand for further information – [email protected] / (04) 494 1500 – and please promote these opportunities amongst your colleagues and networks.