Fulbright New Zealand invites you to a free public seminar by current Fulbright US Distinguished Teacher, Seth Hoffman from Mountain Mahogany Community School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. When teachers find a way to integrate their creative passions into their teaching, students will be energised by the sense of excitement and engagement of their teacher. Often times, teachers today believe they must leave their personal hobbies and passions at the door and focus only on reading, writing, and math.
In this seminar, Seth will be sharing some exceptional teaching examples involving dance, drama, and even philosophy, and demonstrating the positive impact of bringing joy and passion into the classroom. Seth himself uses music as a teaching tool and has seen very positive results due to students’ natural muscial interests and Seth’s clear enthusiasm for his musicianship.
Places are limited so please RSVP to [email protected] or 472 2065 by Wednesday 27 May. Feel free to bring your own “brown bag” lunch.