Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Programme for New Zealand Teachers
The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Programme is for highly accomplished New Zealand teachers in primary or secondary schooling to participate in an intensive professional development programme in the US. Two awards are granted each year for this programme.
These awards provide international educators from all over the world with a four month professional development program based at one of 3 host U.S. universities. The program includes academic coursework, leadership training, instructional technology seminars and opportunities to observe, co-teach, and share their expertise in U.S. elementary and secondary schools. Each participant will also complete an individual or group project relevant to their teaching.
Participating teachers will be placed in groups of 16-20 at one of 3 host U.S. university education faculties. Host universities will provide specialized orientation and seminars, and will ensure that each group has access to a variety of professional development activities. Faculty advisors will guide the participants in the refinement and implementation of their projects.
This award is an investment in the individual grantee as well as an investment in education outcomes for the long-term benefit of New Zealand. Upon returning home, grantees will be expected to share the knowledge and experience gained on the programme with teachers and students in their home schools, within their communities and in New Zealand.
These awards are generously supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. The Ministry will fund full relief costs to the grantee’s school through the Teach NZ Prestigious Awards Programme.