New Zealand Harkness Fellowships are for emerging New Zealand leaders in any field of study or vocation (excluding health care policy and practice) to study or research in the US for a minimum of twelve weeks. One New Zealand Harkness Fellowship worth NZ$30,000 will be offered in 2015 (for travel in 2016), to a person who is currently employed in a public sector[1] organisation in New Zealand.
The New Zealand Harkness Fellowships were established in 2009 by the New Zealand Harkness Fellowships Trust Board to reinforce links between New Zealand and the US and to enable emerging leaders in the public and private sectors to benefit from study and travel in the US. Their purpose is to enable appointed Fellows to gain first-hand knowledge and build contacts in their chosen field of endeavour that will be highly relevant to the NZ context and future NZ/US links. The Trust Board is working in partnership with the Leadership Development Centre, which is acting on behalf of the NZ Government.
Applications for the 2015 New Zealand Harkness Fellowships close at 5:00pm on Monday 14 September
More information is available here or contact Colin Kennedy at Fulbright New Zealand for further information – [email protected] / (04) 494 1508
[1] This includes the State Services, tertiary education institutions, State-Owned Enterprises and Crown companies, agencies that operate as part of the Legislative Branch of Government, and local Government.